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Maintaining your feet is very important if you want to keep them healthy and maintain pain free mobility. Routine footcare includes the management of toenails and can treat and prevent common foot problems such as corns, callus and cracked heels that can be both painful and distressing.


Regular routine can reduce the risk of developing infections and other foot complications. Underlying problems can be detected and treated at the earliest opportunity.


Foot and Ankle Pain

Foot pain can be debilitating leading to issues with walking and exercising, which are an important part of health and wellbeing as we age. Additionally, if we have trouble with mobility, this can impact on everyday activities.  As long as we take routine care of our feet, serious problems can usually be avoided. However, ageing can also mean that we develop other conditions, such as Type 2 diabetes and arthritis, which in some cases can affect the foot and require additional care, monitoring and treatment. 


Diabetic Care

Diabetic foot assessments are carried out to assess the health of the lower limb and help manage and prevent complications arising due to diabetes. This includes peripheral vascular, neurological and dermatological assessment, routine treatment, education and a report back on your foot health status to your GP or Practice Nurse, where appropriate.


Fungal Infections

Fungal nail infections are very common and typically start after having a fungal skin infection for a few months or more.   Over time this can cause the nails to thicken, become flaky and become discoloured. Fungal toenails can be very difficult to treat. Over the counter treatments are available and can be effective when only the top end of the nail is infected. If your nail is very thick or the infection has spread to the cuticle, then they will have little effect.

A podiatrist can advise on a range of treatments. In recent years the variety of treatments has increased and a podiatrist can discuss what options are right for you.



Verrucae are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus that can be picked up and spread when using areas such as swimming pools, gyms, or bathrooms.


The infection lives on the top layers of the skin and so can be difficult for the body’s immune system to recognise and respond to the infection.  It is an area of the part where the immune system is weak. People can therefore suffer from verrucae for years.


Verrucae are benign and should eventually resolve on their own but many people who live with them find them painful and embarrassing or are concerned about infecting other people.


Ingrowing Toenails and Nail Surgery

We believe in doing the simple things first to relieve any problems that you may have.  However, if conservative care is not able to resolve the problem then we are able to carry out nail surgery.  This may seek to resolve ingrowing, misshapen, or fungal toenails.

Nail surgery is a relatively simple procedure performed under a local anaesthetic that offers permanent solution to the problem.  Our nail surgery package includes surgery, two follow-up redressing and review appointments and dressings.


Children’s Podiatry/Paediatric

Children can also be particularly susceptible to common conditions including verrucae or nail problems. Or you may be concerned by the posture, pain, deformity or unusual walking patterns of a child.  Often reassurance and advice is all that is needed but in some cases treatment is required.

From birth until the second decade of life children go through structural and positional developmental changes in the lower limb and feet. Having a sound understanding of normal and abnormal growth is key to deciding on whether to treat and what type of treatment is required. It is essential to identify, as early as possible, any problems that might need specialist treatment later in life.


Sports Injuries

We pride ourselves on helping you stay active achieve your sporting ambitions. Sports Podiatry focuses on assessing and treating foot, ankle and lower limb disorders related to the activities you do. A biomechanical assessment will address whether there is a mechanical cause for the pain. Treatment may involve prescription of exercises, changes in training, stretching and strengthening, advice and modification of footwear and/or foot orthoses/insoles. 


Biomechanical Assessment

Biomechanics is concerned with how we move and the stresses and strains we place on our body.  A biomechanical assessment involves a series of tests and exercises evaluating body posture, and the structural bone alignment of the lower limb and feet. This includes muscle strength, balance and flexibility including an analysis of gait or your walking pattern.

Biomechanical problems can be treated with stretching and strengthening exercises and orthotics.  Orthotics (or insoles) that are tailored to your foot can help improve structure and function. 



Orthotics are insoles that are worn inside the shoe to assist the treatment of a number of foot-related conditions. Orthotics are primarily used to improve symptoms associated with the back, hips, knees and feet. Some of the most common reasons to fit orthotics are if an individual is suffering from a neuroma, arthritis or a painful flat foot.

Depending on your condition and problem, podiatrists will recommend the use of orthotics on a temporary or permanent basis, whether ready-made or bespoke.

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